Tag Archives: John Green

Okay? Okay. | TFIOS Movie Review

Hello everyone! Firstly let me apologise, I am aware that my last post was also a movie review and I won’t be making a habit of writing two posts with similar content together in the future but I’ve literally just got home from watching The Fault In Our Stars in the cinema and I simply had to write up my review now while my memory of it is clear.

Secondly, something you should probably know about me is that The Fault In Our Stars is my favourite book. I have read it three times and I would have read it more if it weren’t for the fact that every time I read it I need to read it in one go without putting it down because I get so hooked. So I was very nervous about seeing my favourite novel be brought to the big screen. In this review there will be spoilers so, yeah, if you want to be surprised then maybe come back to this review afterwards.

Okay so let’s get started!


The Fault In Our Stars
Directed by Josh Boone
Based on the novel by John Green

I loved this movie. It was a really faithful adaptation and I didn’t feel any different watching it than I did when reading the book. If this review doesn’t make any sense it’s because my brain is still weighted with all the emotions I felt when watching. The movie had several laugh out loud moments which I thought provided a beautiful contrast to the moment when everyone was sobbing like Isaac on The Night Of The Broken Trophies.

Speaking of The Night of the Broken Trophies, this was actually one of my favourite scenes and one that actually came across a lot better in the film than it did in the book. Augustus and Hazel’s strained conversation over the sound of Isaac smashing the basketball trophies in the background not only came across as funny but also symbolised Gus and Hazel’s relationship, trying to communicate and bond the best they can over all the hectic heartbreak in their lives. (I might be doing an Augustus Waters and being overly metaphorical here, but this is how it came across to me.) Another scene which I loved was, yes, the sex scene. Despite sitting next to my mother I didn’t feel awkward at all because the scene was so romantic and wasn’t overly “sexed up” but was more like a new bond between Hazel and Gus which I thought fitted in so nicely as a new stepping stone in their relationship. I also really adored the plane scene as well where Gus freaks out about flying. I thought this was just so cute. (Defined literary analysis I know.)

Moving on to the casting I thought that both Shailene Woodley and Ansel Engort who played Hazel and Gus were perfect for the roles. At first I was really concerned that Hazel was going to be portrayed as introverted and shy all the way through as Shailene did such a good job of acting this way in the first few scenes however her talent indeed branched out and I thought that the anger in the scene in Peter Van Houten’s house was just excellent.
I fell in love with the character of Augustus Waters so much when reading the book and Ansel did not disappoint me. Even my mother came out of the cinema raving about how amazing he was! He played the character’s charm and natural cheekiness so well (I think I died when he winked at Hazel in the basement) but also the more serious side of him was acted superbly, such as when he broke the news to Hazel about his PET scan and when he was having difficulties in the car at the gas station.
As for Willem Dafoe as Van Houten, I really wasn’t sure what I thought at first, possibly because Van Houten was probably the character that I had the clearest mental image of but it was actually in the funeral scene that I really warmed to him.
The character of Isaac was played by Nat Wolff and I think he did a spectacular job as was exactly how I pictured him. His character was really funny and Nat played the sarcasm element really well.

Now, the aspects that I didn’t particularly like and, to be honest there aren’t many. I was upset that Augustus and Hazel didn’t get rid of the swing set but instead just sat on it and talked. I think them coming up with the advert for the swing set in the book was one of the funnier scenes and would have worked really well so I was disappointed with that.
Also I felt like if you haven’t read the book before seeing the movie you would have no idea how important “An Imperial Affliction” is to Hazel and why. I felt like the story of “An Imperial Affliction” was barely mentioned in the film so if you hadn’t read The Fault In Our Stars you wouldn’t have a clue what this story was about and I think because it’s such a big part of the story and of Hazel’s life the audience should be more conscious of what it is.

Lastly, yes I cried. To be honest I had tears in my eyes for the majority of the movie however these are the four sections that I actually burst into tears at:
1) When Hazel and Gus are on the phone and they keep saying “okay” to each other and Gus says “maybe ‘okay’ will be our always”
2) The pre-funeral, partly because it was really sad but partly because I knew this was the last time I would see Augustus on screen
3) When Hazel placed the cigarettes on top of the coffin
4) The letter at the end

So, overall I give The Fault In Our Stars movie 5/5 and I will DEFINITELY be going to see it again and buying the DVD. If you agree with this post or if you have any other opinions please leave them in the comments and I will get back to you!


“You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I’m grateful.” – Hazel Grace


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